Live Like an Italian

What makes us happy? My research has led me to Italy. There is something so compelling about the Italian way of life. After all I am Italian and just because I don’t actually live in Italy doesn’t mean I can’t take a cue from my ancestors and live la dolce vita. I am not sure which impresses me more, the daily two-hour lunches or the value placed on spending time with family and friends.

Are Italians happier than Americans? Who really knows although I can say for myself that I feel much happier when I am not multitasking, worrying, overworking or drinking from a paper cup. For me happiness lies in my relationship with myself, the ones I love and my community. In my yoga class yesterday my teacher said “Greatness is not measured by what you get but by what you give.”

Next time you feel rushed, give yourself some extra love and remember to slow down. This is a discipline for me. It does not come naturally. Often times I have to remind myself to relax and enjoy the moment and to stop pushing for the next thing. My partner Michael is a master at living in the moment and enjoying life. He lives life like an Italian and luckily I get to bask in his Zen-like outlook. When we discussed the meaning of happiness a few days ago he said, “There are only so many days you have in this life and each day spent unhappy is a day you can’t get back.” That pretty much sums it up.

Here is a little inspiration for you. This is my great-grandfather Dominick Ezzo, lovingly known as Papa. He was born and raised in Italy. Doesn’t he look happy?